5 myths about invisible orthodontics

Arcad treatments break down myths about orthodontics. Arcad is your chance

Arcad treatments break down myths about orthodontics.

Orthodontics is a dental treatment that consists of correcting and aligning the position of the teeth and alterations in the jaw, in order to improve its appearance and functionality, which may have caused difficulty when biting or chewing, sometimes accompanied by pain and dental deterioration.

Over the years, false theories have been built around these treatments, some of which we will demystify below:

  • Orthodontics serves only as an aesthetic treatment: Its function goes beyond aesthetics. Although it is a treatment that improves the position and, therefore, the aesthetics of the teeth, it is of vital importance in the prevention of periodontal diseases, gingivitis or cavities, since aligned teeth make them easier to clean, making it also serve to improve oral health.
  • The treatment causes weight loss: Absolutely false, especially if you use Arcad invisible aligners that are removable, and you can take them off whenever you want. There will be no restrictions.
  • Very painful and extensive treatments: Although they may cause some initial discomfort due to adaptation, given that it is a foreign element in our mouth, there are sufficient resources to avoid unnecessary discomfort. The duration will depend on the situation of each patient. The less correction is needed, the shorter the treatment duration.
  • Incompatible with sports activities: Invisible aligners do not cause any harm. The covers that are placed on the teeth are almost imperceptible both visually and physically. With the treatment you can do any type of sport and it is impossible to injure yourself with them. Unlike braces, with which any impact caused pain and could cause injury, with Arcad aligners you can practice any sport, from boxing, where there may be more impact, to swimming.
  • It is a treatment only for children and young people: It is advisable to start orthodontic treatments as soon as possible. But if you were unable to do so in your youth, for various reasons, it is never too late to align your teeth. For health and aesthetic reasons. In addition, Ainvisible aligners are practically imperceptible. So many people won’t even know you have it. Age is not a concern when it comes to getting a beautiful and healthy smile.

Arcad technology is your chance. A treatment accessible to everyone, with competitive prices and various payment options.

Contact us and discover everything our specialists can do for you.

Alexander Cutiño Odontologist at Clearfy
EMAIL: archoldings@outlook.com